Loreum (Marysville, California, USA,1988) is a London based artist, performer and dancer whose work investigates into identities in very complex manner. Loreum focuses particularly on how bodies are entagled whithin socioeconomic relationships, highlighting their own working class and Native-American background. Usually, Loreum’s installations are very interdisciplinary, taking various forms such as dancing and singing performances, live action paintings or video installation. In the present, Loreum is exploring the god figure Dionysus as a deviant queer character that represents an alternative and spontaneous mode of creation which Loreum themselves follow within their work. By means of re-interpreting this classical Greek figure, Loreum navigates into what means to be queer in the present.

‘Scarecrow I’, 2021, various sporting, military, and medical equipment, liquid latex, LED Light, leather jacket, leather boots, acrylic sheet, charred wood, stone, spray rubber, spray paint, H 45 x W91 x 182D

‘Man’, 2021, Rototiller, leather pony saddle, deer hide, red soil, resin H 91 x W121 x D76

‘Scythe I’, ‘Scythe II’, 2021, found bronze and ceramic theatre masks, weed-eaters, dried grass, pigment, resin, wire. H 33 x W121 x D38

‘Helmet’, 2020 Detail

‘Monument IV’, 2019 worn resin soaked coveralls, jesmonite, steel, rubber work boot, concrete, machine detergent container, faux marble finish by pierre-yves morel.

‘Mountain’, 2019 film still london, uk

‘Relic & motif’, 2019, relic: found motorcycle debris, clay, jesmonite, faux marble finish by pierre-yves morel. motif: ceramic with faux marble finish by pierre-yves morel
Solo Exhibitions
· Marysville Oh Holy Land with Curator Giulia Menegale, Online & London, UK
· Loreum , Nicoletti Contemporary
· “and that lump at the back of your throat is all you know that’s real”, Goldsmiths, London, UK
· Mountain , curated by Camille Brechignac, B. Dewitt Gallery, London, UK
· Allusion to a body no longer present, Swiss Church, London, UK
· All places shall be hell that is not heaven, Deptford, London, UK
· Allusion to a body no longer present, for Kunstraum and Block Universe, London, UK