Past Projects & Collaborations
Deprisa, deprisa

Deprisa, deprisa, solo show at Kupfer Projects, 06.10.2023, London.
'Apuntes Truncados: visiones fotogramétricas del cuerpo al bosque'

Apuntes Truncados: visiones fotogramétricas del cuerpo al bosque, a panel talked about photogrammetry at Centro Huarte, 23.06.2023, Navarra.
Habitación Número

From 2020 to 2022, Lava curated Habitación Número 34, a project space in Madrid which we co-founded with artist RGB.
We curated 36 exhibitions in these years.
Visit HN34 website to learn more about this project.
(In)Tangible World: Posdigital Corporeality

(In)Tangible World: Posdigital Corporeality, group show at The Clemente Center, 15.09.2022 – 23.10.2022, New York City, USA.
No es propio de esta época

No es propio de esta época, group show at Centro Cultural Las Cigarreras, 28.01.2022 – 16.04.2022, Alicante, Spain.
Foto Llamada

Andrea Muniáin, Foto Llamada , 15.01.2021 – 04.02.2021, Casa Almirante, Tudela, Spain
Zona Cero: Cenotafio Digital

Yosi Negrín, Zona 0: Cenotafio Digital , 23.01.2021 – 27.03.2021, Espacio Cultural El Tanque, Tenerife, Spain
Julia Stone Single Artworks
Photo production of Julia Stone’s 60 Summers album art cover and single artworks Break, Unreal and Dance, 2020. Photographed by Filip Custic

Photo production and installation of Filip Custic’s solo show crno-bijelo, 2020, curated by Lovro Japundžić, Zagreb Museum of Contemporary Art, Croatia
Absolut Manifesto 20: We Are a New World

Andrea Muniáin y Adina L. Velázquez, ‘The Bodies Are Manufactured’, 2020, Absolut Manifesto 2020: We Are a New World, Madrid, Spain
Link in Bio: Art after Social Media
Filip Custic, x=y=z, 2019, hyperrealistic sculpture and installation as part of the group show Link in Bio: Art After Social Media, curated by Anika Meier, Museum der bildenden Künste Leipzig, Germany
©®38191613162016135195209451435, AuctionCR28112019, 2019, art performance, curated by Belinda Martín Porras, The Biscuit Factory, London, UK
Manchester International Festival at Selfridges
Filip Custic, macro=micro, 2019, performance for the Manchester International Festival at Selfridges, Manchester, UK
Carne al peso
Andrea Muniaín y Adina L. Fernández, Carne al peso, 2019, art performance, Calle Mesón de Paños, Madrid, Spain
Filip Custic in Conversation with César Manrique
Filip Custic in Conversation with César Manrique, 2019, curated by Belinda Martín Porras, Fundación César Manrique, Lanzarote, Spain

Filip Custic, Homo-?, 2019, curated by Belinda Martín Porras, La Térmica, Málaga, Spain
Absolut Manifesto 19 - We Are A New World
Filip Custic, ‘Laberinto de Espejos’, 2019, performance for Absolut Manifesto 19 – We Are A New World, Madrid, Spain